Hire a soldier of fortune
Owner: Jeremy Eldridge CPA, MA.
There are probably familiar, timeworn stereotypes about CPA’s: how they
look, how they talk, how they think. Jeremy Eldridge is, unapologetically,
none of those. He is steadfastly determined to aggressively use every legal
means to help clients keep more of what they’ve earned.
To do this, he specializes in customized tax strategies, private foundation creation,
corporate taxation plans, individual taxation programs and startup business
consulting. It’s a hybrid mix of consistently-successful techniques that he
continues to fine-tune.
Purdue University awarded Jeremy with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, and he received his Master’s from Miami University. He has been a licensed CPA since 2012. He loves what he does. And he is passionately loyal to his clients — who become his friends and trust him with their future. Jeremy can be reached at jeremy.eldridge@eldridgegroup.net

Vice President of Consulting: Ralph Eldridge CPA, MBA
Ralph Eldridge had a vision many years ago… an epiphany, really. He realized that ( 1 ) most wealthy Americans weren’t well-served by their CPA’s ( 2 ) this was a direct consequence of the CPA acting as an extension of the IRS and ( 3 ) small fortunes were being lost in the process. Unnecessarily. He painstakingly created a multi-part, multi-layered solution which has helped his clients hang on to more of their own money.
Ralph received his bachelor’s degree in accounting from Middle Tennessee State University in 1979 and earned his MBA from Miami University (Ohio) in 1980. After initial work with Coopers & Lybrand, he spent eight years in the ministry and property management. Ralph returned to Connersville, his hometown, to form The Eldridge Group in January, 1990. It was a business founded on tax return preparation, but it quickly branched into specialized accounting and IRS representation services.
Today, Ralph spends most of his time offering private seminars which demonstrate his tax-efficient, wealth-building strategies and plans.

April Baker EA.
April has been with The Eldridge Group since 2006. She specializes in payroll
processing, payroll tax reporting, individual tax preparation, and
communication with the Internal Revenue Service. In 2011, April passed a
series of rigorous exams to become an Enrolled Agent, giving her the
authority to represent individuals before the IRS. Email April at

Alisa Baker
Alisa specializes in property taxes, cap allocations, and communication to and
from the IRS. She received her AAS in Office Administration with Software
Specialty in 2002, and she’s currently pursuing her BS in Business
Administration with a Finance Minor. In 2012, the Indiana Department of
Local Government Finance awarded Alisa her Level II Assessor Certification.
Email Alisa at alisa.baker@eldridgegroup.net