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Icons Reference

An overview of Jumpstart’s awesome selection
of icons.

Active-call Active Call
Add-music Add Music
Add-user Add User
Address-card Address Card
Adjust Adjust
Adress-book#1 Adress Book#1
Adress-book#2 Adress Book#2
Air-ballon Air Ballon
Air-conditioning Air Conditioning
Airplay Airplay
Airplay-video Airplay Video
Airpods Airpods
Alarm-clock Alarm Clock
Align-auto Align Auto
Align-center Align Center
Align-justify Align Justify
Align-left Align Left
Align-right Align Right
Anchor-center Anchor Center
Anchor-center-down Anchor Center Down
Anchor-center-up Anchor Center Up
Anchor-left Anchor Left
Anchor-left-down Anchor Left Down
Anchor-left-up Anchor Left Up
Anchor-right Anchor Right
Anchor-right-down Anchor Right Down
Anchor-right-up Anchor Right Up
Android Android
Angle Grinder Angle Grinder
Angle-double-down Angle Double Down
Angle-double-left Angle Double Left
Angle-double-right Angle Double Right
Angle-double-up Angle Double Up
Angle-down Angle Down
Angle-left Angle Left
Angle-right Angle Right
Apple icon Apple Icon
Apple-Watch Apple Watch
Archive Archive
Armchair Armchair
Arrow-down Arrow Down
Arrow-from-bottom Arrow From Bottom
Arrow-from-left Arrow From Left
Arrow-from-right Arrow From Right
Arrow-from-top Arrow From Top
Arrow-left Arrow Left
Arrow-right Arrow Right
Arrow-to-bottom Arrow To Bottom
Arrow-to-left Arrow To Left
Arrow-to-right Arrow To Right
Arrow-to-up Arrow To Up
Arrow-up Arrow Up
Arrows Arrows
Arrows-h Arrows H
Arrows-v Arrows V
Article Article
Attachment#1 Attachment#1
Attachment#2 Attachment#2
Axe Axe
Back Back
Backspace Backspace
Backward Backward
Bag#1 Bag#1
Bag#2 Bag#2
Bag-chair Bag Chair
Baking-glove Baking Glove
Barcode Barcode
Barcode-read Barcode Read
Barcode-scan Barcode Scan
Bath Bath
Battery-charging Battery Charging
Battery-empty Battery Empty
Battery-full Battery Full
Battery-half Battery Half
Bed Bed
Beer Beer
Bezier-curve Bezier Curve
Binocular Binocular
Bitcoin Bitcoin
Blender Blender
Bluetooth Bluetooth
Bold Bold
Book Book
Book-open Book Open
Bookmark Bookmark
Border Border
Bottle#1 Bottle#1
Bottle#2 Bottle#2
Bowl Bowl
Box Box
Box#1 Box#1
Box#2 Box#2
Box#3 Box#3
Bread Bread
Broom Broom
Brush Brush
Bucket Bucket
Building Building
Bulb#1 Bulb#1
Bulb#2 Bulb#2
Bullet-list Bullet List
Burger Burger
Cake Cake
Calculator Calculator
Call Call
Call#1 Call#1
Camera Camera
Cap-1 Cap 1
Cap-2 Cap 2
Cap-3 Cap 3
Cardboard-vr Cardboard Vr
Carrot Carrot
Cart#1 Cart#1
Cart#2 Cart#2
Cart#3 Cart#3
Cassete Cassete
Celcium Celcium
Chair#1 Chair#1
Chair#2 Chair#2
Chart-bar#1 Chart Bar#1
Chart-bar#2 Chart Bar#2
Chart-bar#3 Chart Bar#3
Chart-line#1 Chart Line#1
Chart-line#2 Chart Line#2
Chart-pie Chart Pie
Chat#1 Chat#1
Chat#2 Chat#2
Chat#4 Chat#4
Chat#5 Chat#5
Chat#6 Chat#6
Chat-check Chat Check
Chat-error Chat Error
Chat-locked Chat Locked
Chat-smile Chat Smile
Check Check
Cheese Cheese
Chef Chef
Chicken Chicken
Circle Circle
Clip Clip
Clipboard Clipboard
Clipboard-check Clipboard Check
Clipboard-list Clipboard List
Clock Clock
Close Close
Cloud#1 Cloud#1
Cloud#2 Cloud#2
Cloud-download Cloud Download
Cloud-fog Cloud Fog
Cloud-sun Cloud Sun
Cloud-upload Cloud Upload
Cloud-wind Cloud Wind
Cloudy Cloudy
Cloudy-night Cloudy Night
Code Code
Coffee#1 Coffee#1
Coffee#2 Coffee#2
Color Color
Color-profile Color Profile
Commit Commit
Icon For Compass Compass
Compilation Compilation
Compiled-file Compiled File
Compiling Compiling
Component Component
Contact#1 Contact#1
Control Control
Cookie Cookie
Cooking-book Cooking Book
Cooking-pot Cooking Pot
Couch Couch
Credit-card Credit Card
Crop Crop
Cursor Cursor
Cutting board Cutting Board
Day-rain Day Rain
Deer Deer
Delete-user Delete User
Deleted-file Deleted File
Deleted-folder Deleted Folder
Diagnostics Diagnostics
Dial-numbers Dial Numbers
Difference Difference
Dinner Dinner
Direction#1 Direction#1
Direction#2 Direction#2
Dish Dish
Dishes Dishes
Dislike Dislike
Display#1 Display#1
Display#2 Display#2
Display#3 Display#3
Dollar Dollar
Done-circle Done Circle
Door-open Door Open
Double-check Double Check
Down-2 Down 2
Down-left Down Left
Down-right Down Right
Download Download
Downloaded file Downloaded File
Downloads-folder Downloads Folder
Dribbble icon Dribbble Icon
Duplicate Duplicate
Earth Earth
Edit Edit
Edit-text Edit Text
Eject Eject
Equalizer Equalizer
Eraser Eraser
Error-circle Error Circle
Euro Euro
Exchange Exchange
Expand-arrows Expand Arrows
Export Export
Facebook Icon
Fahrenheit Fahrenheit
File File
File-cloud File Cloud
File-done File Done
File-minus File Minus
File-plus File Plus
Filter Filter
Fire Fire
Fireplace Fireplace
Fish Fish
Flag Flag
Flashlight Flashlight
Flatten Flatten
Flip-horizontal Flip Horizontal
Flip-vertical Flip Vertical
Flower#1 Flower#1
Flower#2 Flower#2
Flower#3 Flower#3
Fog Fog
Folder Folder
Folder-check Folder Check
Folder-cloud Folder Cloud
Folder-error Folder Error
Folder-heart Folder Heart
Folder-minus Folder Minus
Folder-plus Folder Plus
Folder-solid Folder Solid
Folder-star Folder Star
Folder-thunder Folder Thunder
Font Font
Fork Fork
Fork-spoon Fork Spoon
Fork-spoon-knife Fork Spoon Knife
Forward Forward
French Bread French Bread
Fridge Fridge
Frying-pan Frying Pan
Gameboy Gameboy
Gamepad#1 Gamepad#1
Gamepad#2 Gamepad#2
Gas-stove Gas Stove
Generator Generator
Gift Gift
Git#1 Git#1
Git#2 Git#2
Git#3 Git#3
Git#4 Git#4
GitHub icon GitHub Icon
Github Github
Glass-martini Glass Martini
Globe Globe
Google Drive icon Google Drive Icon
Google Play icon Google Play Icon
Google icon Google Icon
Grater Grater
Group Group
Group-chat Group Chat
Group-folders Group Folders
H1 H1
H2 H2
Half-heart Half Heart
Half-star Half Star
Hard-drive Hard Drive
Headphones Headphones
Heart Heart
Hidden Hidden
Highvoltage Highvoltage
Home Home
Home-heart Home Heart
Homepod Homepod
Horizontal Horizontal
Hummer Hummer
Hummer#2 Hummer#2
Ice-cream#1 Ice Cream#1
Ice-cream#2 Ice Cream#2
Image Image
Import Import
Incoming-box Incoming Box
Incoming-call Incoming Call
Incoming-mail Incoming Mail
Info-circle Info Circle
Instagram icon Instagram Icon
Interselect Interselect
Iron Iron
Itallic Itallic
Join-1 Join 1
Join-2 Join 2
Join-3 Join 3
Kettle Kettle
Key Key
Keyboard Keyboard
Kitchen-scale Kitchen Scale
KickStarter Icon
Knife#1 Knife#1
Knife#2 Knife#2
Knife&fork#1 Knife&fork#1
Knife&fork#2 Knife&fork#2
Ladder Ladder
Ladle Ladle
Lamp#1 Lamp#1
Lamp#2 Lamp#2
Laptop Laptop
Laptop-macbook Laptop Macbook
Layers Layers
Layout-3d Layout 3d
Layout-4-blocks Layout 4 Blocks
Layout-arrange Layout Arrange
Layout-grid Layout Grid
Layout-horizontal Layout Horizontal
Layout-left-panel-1 Layout Left Panel 1
Layout-left-panel-2 Layout Left Panel 2
Layout-right-panel-1 Layout Right Panel 1
Layout-right-panel-2 Layout Right Panel 2
Layout-top-panel-1 Layout Top Panel 1
Layout-top-panel-2 Layout Top Panel 2
Layout-top-panel-3 Layout Top Panel 3
Layout-top-panel-4 Layout Top Panel 4
Layout-top-panel-5 Layout Top Panel 5
Layout-top-panel-6 Layout Top Panel 6
Layout-vertical Layout Vertical
Left 3 Left 3
Left-2 Left 2
Left-circle Left Circle
Library Library
Like Like
Line Line
LinkedIn icon LinkedIn Icon
Loader Loader
Loading Loading
Location-arrow Location Arrow
Lock Lock
Lock-circle Lock Circle
Lock-overturning Lock Overturning
Locked-folder Locked Folder
Magic Magic
Mail Mail
Mail-@ Mail @
Mail-attachment Mail Attachment
Mail-box Mail Box
Mail-error Mail Error
Mail-heart Mail Heart
Mail-locked Mail Locked
Mail-notification Mail Notification
Mail-opened Mail Opened
Mail-unocked Mail Unocked
Mailbox Mailbox
Marker#1 Marker#1
Marker#2 Marker#2
Mask Mask
Media Media
Media-folder Media Folder
Media-library#1 Media Library#1
Media-library#2 Media Library#2
Media-library#3 Media Library#3
Media Play
Medium icon Medium Icon
Menu Menu
Mic Mic
Midi Midi
Minus Minus
Mirror Mirror
Miso-soup Miso Soup
Missed-call Missed Call
Mixer Mixer
Modal Close
Money Money
Moon Moon
Mouse Mouse
Movie-Lane #2 Movie Lane #2
Movie-lane#1 Movie Lane#1
Music Music
Music-cloud Music Cloud
Music-note Music Note
Mute Mute
Next Next
Night-fog Night Fog
Night-rain Night Rain
Notification#2 Notification#2
Notifications#1 Notifications#1
Option Option
Orange Orange
Other#1 Other#1
Other#2 Other#2
Outgoing-box Outgoing Box
Outgoing-call Outgoing Call
Outgoing-mail Outgoing Mail
Outlet Outlet
Pantone Pantone
Paragraph Paragraph
Patch Patch
Pause Pause
Pen&ruller Pen&ruller
Pen-tool-vector Pen Tool Vector
Pencil Pencil
Phone Phone
Picker Picker
Picture Picture
Pictures#1 Pictures#1
Pictures#2 Pictures#2
Pinterest icon Pinterest Icon
Pixels Pixels
Pizza Pizza
Play Play
Playlist#1 Playlist#1
Playlist#2 Playlist#2
Plus Plus
Polygon Polygon
Position Position
Pound Pound
Price #1 Price #1
Price #2 Price #2
Printer Printer
Protected-file Protected File
Puzzle Puzzle
Question-circle Question Circle
Quote#1 Quote#1
Quote#2 Quote#2
Radio Radio
Rain#1 Rain#1
Rain#2 Rain#2
Rain#5 Rain#5
Rainbow Rainbow
Range-hood Range Hood
Readed-mail Readed Mail
Rec Rec
Rectangle Rectangle
Redo Redo
Repeat Repeat
Repeat-one Repeat One
Reply Reply
Reply-all Reply All
Right Right
Right 3 Right 3
Right-2 Right 2
Right-circle Right Circle
Road-Cone Road Cone
Roller Roller
Rolling-pin Rolling Pin
Rouble Rouble
Roulette Roulette
Route Route
Router#1 Router#1
Router#2 Router#2
Ruller Ruller
SD-card SD Card
Sad Sad
Safe Safe
Safe-chat Safe Chat
Sale#1 Sale#1
Sale#2 Sale#2
Saturation Saturation
Saucepan Saucepan
Save Save
Scale Scale
Scissors Scissors
Screwdriver Screwdriver
Search Search
Select Select
Selected-file Selected File
Send Send
Sending Sending
Sending mail Sending Mail
Server Server
Settings Settings
Settings#3 Settings#3
Settings#4 Settings#4
Settings-1 Settings 1
Settings-2 Settings 2
Share Share
Shield-check Shield Check
Shield-disabled Shield Disabled
Shield-protected Shield Protected
Shield-thunder Shield Thunder
Shield-user Shield User
Shift Shift
Shovel Shovel
Shuffle Shuffle
Shutdown Shutdown
Sieve Sieve
Sign In
Sign-out Sign Out
Size Size
Slack Icon
Sketch Sketch
Skype Icon
Smile Smile
Snoozed-mail Snoozed Mail
Snow Snow
Snow#1 Snow#1
Snow#2 Snow#2
Snow#3 Snow#3
Socket-eu Socket Eu
Socket-us Socket Us
Sort#1 Sort#1
Sort#2 Sort#2
Sort#3 Sort#3
Spam Spam
Spatula Spatula
Speaker Speaker
Spoon Spoon
Spotify Icon
Spy Spy
Stairs Stairs
Stamp Stamp
Star Star
Stop Stop
Storm Storm
Strikethrough Strikethrough
Substract Substract
Sun Sun
Sun-fog Sun Fog
Suset#1 Suset#1
Suset#2 Suset#2
Sushi Sushi
Swiss-knife Swiss Knife
TV#1 TV#1
TV#2 TV#2
Tablet Tablet
Target Target
Temperature-empty Temperature Empty
Temperature-full Temperature Full
Temperature-half Temperature Half
Terminal Terminal
Text Text
Text-height Text Height
Text-width Text Width
Thumbtack Thumbtack
Thunder Thunder
Thunder-circle Thunder Circle
Thunder-move Thunder Move
Thunder-night Thunder Night
Ticket Ticket
Time-schedule Time Schedule
Timer Timer
Toilet Toilet
Tools Tools
Towel Towel
Trash Trash
Triangle Triangle
Twitter icon Twitter Icon
Two-bottles Two Bottles
Umbrella Umbrella
Underline Underline
Undo Undo
Union Union
Unlock Unlock
Unsplash Icon
Up-2 Up 2
Up-down Up Down
Up-left Up Left
Up-right Up Right
Update Update
Upload Upload
Upload-folder Upload Folder
Uploaded-file Uploaded File
Urgent-mail Urgent Mail
Usb-storage Usb Storage
User User
User-folder User Folder
Vertical Vertical
Video-camera Video Camera
Vimeo icon Vimeo Icon
Visible Visible
Volume-down Volume Down
Volume-full Volume Full
Volume-half Volume Half
Volume-up Volume Up
Vynil Vynil
Waiting Waiting
Wallet Wallet
Wallet#2 Wallet#2
Wallet#3 Wallet#3
Warning-1-circle Warning 1 Circle
Warning-2 Warning 2
Washer Washer
Watch#1 Watch#1
Watch#2 Watch#2
Water-mixer Water Mixer
Weight#1 Weight#1
Weight#2 Weight#2
Wi-fi Wi Fi
Wind Wind
Wine Wine
Wood#1 Wood#1
Wood#2 Wood#2
Wood-horse Wood Horse
Write Write
YouTube icon YouTube Icon
Youtube Youtube
Zoom minus Zoom Minus
Zoom plus Zoom Plus
iMac IMac
iPhone-X IPhone X
iPhone-back IPhone Back
iPhone-x-back IPhone X Back
Нair-dryer Нair Dryer
Сommode#1 Сommode#1
Сommode#2 Сommode#2
Сupboard Сupboard
Сurtains Сurtains
Interface Close
Interface Search
Interface Shopping Bag
Interface Cart
Interface Map Marker
Interface Menu
Interface Minus
Interface More
Interface More Vertical
Interface Heart
Interface Home
Interface Envelope
Interface Chevron Down
Interface Chevron Left
Interface Chevron Right
Interface Chevron Up
Interface Clock
Interface Caret Right
Interface Caret Up
Interface Check
Interface Caret Down
Interface Caret Left
Interface Arrow Right
Interface Arrow Up
Interface Calendar
Interface Arrow Left
Interface Arrow Down